Golden Sandy Beach

 ¿Qué ver en Golden sandy beach, Qingdáo?

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The Golden Sandy Beach in Qingdao, China is a popular attraction for tourists and locals alike. The beach is open daily from 6am to 7pm and admission is free. The official website for the beach is not available, but information can be found on travel websites and guides.

In addition to the beach, there are many other attractions in the area worth visiting. One popular spot is the Qingdao Beer Museum, which is open daily from 9am to 5pm and offers tours and tastings of local brews. The nearby Zhanqiao Pier is also a popular spot for sightseeing and taking photos.

For those interested in history, the Qingdao Naval Museum is a must-see attraction. It is open daily from 9am to 5pm and features exhibits on the city's naval history and the development of the Chinese navy.

Overall, Qingdao and its Golden Sandy Beach offer a variety of activities and attractions for visitors to enjoy.

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